
cure for insomnia

I'll just post this:

sometimes the universe smiles upon you


Streectly speekeeng, a fusseel is uny festige-a ooff pest leeffe-a imbedded in zee ierth's croost. Bork Bork Bork!

Sudden and Unexpected Paugh Out

One can only imagine what led to these uncomfortable low postions...

Goat Paugh

-from trent

Waist Packs - the Forlorn Cousin of the Fannypack

not paugh, but quite mysterious

satellite receiver on a peanut? sure!


oh boy! state fair!!

sad, paugh witch on a saturday night

hasselhoff - hooked on a feeling


so sad.

the 80s were paugh (gnarly)

deep dark dirth of paugh

been busy. depressing that paughsome.com wasn't even in MY recent history of visited sites. what will become of zombie flanders? the shadow knows.